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RPE Duo East Coast Tour 2013

By 12-09-2013October 9th, 2013No Comments

RPE Duo is starting USA tour with FONT gig in NYC and collaboration with Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS). The duo transforms satellite ozone data into sound using a variety of sonification methods.  The data from the lowest level of the atmosphere closest to the earth’s surface is used, which has the best relationship to human health. Since Ozone’s impact is all about location, RPE Duo is using the data from six locations around the globe with diverse level of ozone concentration; representing the ozone data rather than culture or any other characteristic of the locations. To represent each place average monthly ozone concentration is used  in a time series of 12 months.

Tour dates:

14 Sept: Festival of New Trumpet Music @ Village Zendo (NYC)
15 Sept: Firehouse Museum Records (Philadelphia)
16 Sept: Galaxy Hut (Washington DC)
19 Sept: Christopher Newport University (Newport, VA)
23 Sept: Apothecary (Asheville, NC)
24 Sept: Snug Harbor w/ Elves and Personel (Charlotte, NC)
25 Sept: Johnson C. Smith University  (Charlotte, NC)

Twitt #SEIsonify with ideas, comments and anything that comes to your mind while listening to the set.

Those interested to find out more about the impacts of ozone are recommended to read the ‘Integrated Assessment of Black Carbon and Tropospheric Ozone‘, an international study that was co-ordinated by SEI and chaired by Dr Drew Shindell of NASA GISS.

The report was one of the key documents that lead to the establishment of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) in 2012.

RPE Duo interviewed by Andrew Oom of FONT Festival.

Mentioned in Philadelphia City Paper.

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Author Radek

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